Art by DannyTheDemon
Commission status
OPENNSFW Commission Satus
OPENTrade status
Current Commission Prices
More options to be added later
Extra character +50%
NSFW +$15-$20
Con Badge Commissions
Digital Only
Starting at $40
PFP Comission
Full Body Commissions
Ref Sheets
Starting at $80
►Commissioners must agree to◄
Please read T.O.S. No refunds will be given due to misunderstandings of T.O.S
•How to Commission•
-Commissions will be accepted just about anywhere, this includes Instagram, Telegram, email, etc.
-After talking about your ideas and what you want in a drawing you will be given a quote.
-When the quote is accepted I will begin work on your commission and update you with a sketch for approval.
-Upon approval I will finish work on your commission and send or email you the full res files.
•Yours and Mine•
- Your commission will be drawn in my style, I will not replicate the style of others.
- I reserve the right to decline your commission or stop at anytime, if a sketch has already been approved then so refund will be given.
- In the case of using commissioned art for any kind of merchandise, please ask.
-In the case of reposting, please give proper credit where applicable.
- In the case of NSFW commissions, a valid ID is required in order to prove the commissioner is over the age of 18 if there are doubts about your age.
- As I do this on the side you will not be provided with an invoice.
-Due to non-use of invoices, your commission will be categorized with your username or email (depending on how you commissioned me) incase full res files need to be retrieved in the future.
- Payment must be received in full before work is begun.
- Payment is currently accepted through PayPal and Cash App.
•Queue and Turn Around•
- My queue is not public but you can always ask about your place.
- Turn around time will depend on the type of commission you requested. You will be given one upon payment and updated if it needs to be changed.
•Will Draw•
○ Human/Humanoid
○ Furry/ Anthro
○ Gore (Ask)
○ Any sex, gender, or body type
○ Bust, half, and full body
•Will NOT Draw•
○ Copywritten Characters
○ Characters with pawprints on their hips
○ Kids or child characters
○ Some fetish art (Ask)
○ Armor/ Vehicles
○ Complicated Backgrounds (Ask)
Don't see what you want?
Contact me and ask!
The best way to contact me is via
any of my active socials, these includeTelegram
InstagramYou can also contact me via email
[email protected]